Sunday, August 23, 2015

                                           yato from noragami

Yato appears to be a young man, with shaggy dark purple hair that reaches to his neck, and bright, striking blue eyes. He is often seen wearing a sweater jersey and track pants, and an old white bandanna/cloth around his neck, which he describes as a "fluffy fluff scarf" (fuwa fuwa). He also wears a pair of tall brown boots.
When imagining his future as a popular god, Yato wears a red cape and a golden crown, and is often seen with a pink fan within his imagination.
In the distant past, Yato tied his hair up to a short ponytail and wore a dark kimono.
In Chapter 39 Yato has bought a new jersey that has the same design which was bought thanks to Kazuma's money. In Chapter 40, Yato ties his hair like in the past and wears his new jersey


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